Wednesday, July 20, 2011

To Figure Out What Reporters Want...Watch the News

If nothing else, I have stressed in my semi-monthly messages that research is key when it comes to figuring out what should be in your press release and how it would pique a reporter's interest.

With that said, you will have no idea what makes the news in your coverage area if you don't watch, read, listen or click on the news in your coverage area.

I've been a reporter in Houston, Marshall (Texas), Springfield (Ohio) and the surrounding suburbs of Chicago and no market was the same when it came to what stories got coverage.

Things to remember as you check out the news in your area:

  • Who? Who is more likely to get coverage? Businesses, organizations, individuals? Is there a common element you see?
  • When? Is there a season or time of year where reporters are more likely to cover a certain subject?
  • What? A smaller market is more likely to cover a grand opening of a business. But a larger market will need a few more reasons to give that story air time.
Once you have a grasp on what your coverage area highlights, you can tailor your press release to include those same elements. You also know that if you don't have some of those same elements, you may not have a viable story.

Bridgette Outten is a journalist and media consultant with The Write Vision Group, Inc.  With a background in print media, she has written thousands of articles for newspapers and online publications. At The Write Vision Group, Bridgette consults with nonprofits and small businesses about how they can get media attention for their programs and efforts. Meanwhile, she blogs on all things journalism.

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