Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Is Any Publicity Really Good Publicity?

When it comes to seeing your name in the news, is all news good news?

I reflected on this question after watching the escapades of Kim Kardashian and the woes of Herman Cain parade across the news over recent weeks.

It led to do a little research on the subject and a Business Insider article gave an interesting assessment:

"All publicity is good publicity -- if no one has ever heard of you.

Alan Sorensen ...determined that, even when reviews were negative, previously unknown authors saw a one-third bump in sales. Sorensen believes his findings can be applied beyond authors to all small businesses fighting to make names for themselves.
Negative PR is only helpful for small shops though. Big brands can be harmed by bad news, he says."
So, as it turns out, small businesses or organizations may actually be able to benefit from negative press. However, it would seem that even the bump in sales may only be temporary and is a risk because those new clients or customers may not come back. Meanwhile, your reputation is still damaged.
The verdict? Let's try for good publicity...then good publicity can just be -- good.
And as for how Kim K. and Herman Cain will fare? Only time will tell.
Bridgette Outten is a journalist and media consultant with The Write Vision Group, Inc. With a background in print media, she has written thousands of articles for newspapers and online publications. At The Write Vision Group, Bridgette consults with nonprofits and small businesses about how their programs and efforts in the news. Meanwhile, she blogs on all things journalism.

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