Thursday, April 12, 2012

Know When to Fold 'Em

Everyone has that one reporter that is impossible to contact. This person is so elusive that reaching out to them is like trying to catch the wind. So close, yet so far.

It may not be that this reporter talks to everyone on the planer except for, so don't take it personally. They may just legitimately be busy. If you have contacted this reporter several times by phone, email and/or smoke signal to no avail, it may be time to give it up.

I'm not suggesting that you don't pitch to the reporter anymore; I'm saying that instead of trying to get the one-on-one that is escaping you, just add them to your email list and continue to send great pitches and/or releases their way.

The moral of the story? Put your information out there concisely and consistently, but don't make yourself a pest. When something interests them, they will call. 

Bridgette Outten is a journalist and media consultant with The Write Vision Group, Inc. With a background in print media, she has written thousands of articles for newspapers and online publications. At The Write Vision Group, Bridgette consults with nonprofits and small businesses about how to get their programs and efforts in the news. Meanwhile, she blogs on all things journalism. 

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