Wednesday, January 9, 2013

3 Ways Publicity Can Make You Money

We've established that getting news coverage -- minus the cost of perhaps paying someone to pitch your news -- is free.


You do know that publicity can make you money, right?

Through publicity, you can:
  • Ask  for donations.
  • Publicize a new product.
  • Generate buzz about a new program or an anniversary/continuing success of a current one.

    All of these can lead to bigger and better partnerships, more clients and more customers.
However, here are a few tips to keep in mind when you're using your publicity to promote your business or organization.
  1. Make it about your audience, not about you. People ultimately want to know how what you're doing affects them -- or their community. Make sure people know the bigger picture of how they can help the situation or how what you're doing is going to make their lives better.
  2. Don't talk up the competition. Focus only on what you do. You don't want to put yourself in a situation where you've given other people a part of your space.
  3. Don't waste a moment of your interview. Make sure everything you tell the reporter is deliberate and has a purpose.
The moral of the story? If done correctly, your publicity will compel people to go to want to find out more about your business or organization, therefore increasing your reach and your potential to make more money for your business or organization.

Bridgette Outten is a journalist and media consultant with The Write Vision Group, Inc. With a background in print media, she has written thousands of articles for newspapers and online publications. At The Write Vision Group, Bridgette consults with nonprofits and small businesses about how to get their programs and efforts in the news. Meanwhile, she blogs on all things journalism.

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